Build a Scrappy Prototype

Hey there, overachiever! We see you and we love you. In fact, we let our curiosity guide us too. That’s why we’ve created this list of extras for you. Check out what we are listening to, reading, watching, and trying to continue your Un-Learning.




Liven Standaert’s 9 minute Ted talk is a story of how engages his students in early and playful building. He also tells us what we can expect from low-cost, multidisciplinary innovation, design and engineering over the next couple of years.


Read / Try


What Kind of Prototype Should You Create?

Depending on what you’re hoping to learn, there are a plethora of prototypes to choose from. The Interaction Design Foundation provides a 10 minute read on different types of prototypes.

IDEO has built an awesome Design Kit. This introduction to storyboarding will take you just a few minutes to learn how to write out how your idea works.

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You can use role playing for empathy and concept testing. Here’s a quick step by step guide on how to test your ideas using roles, props, and scenes.


This IDEO tool can help you quickly and effectively measure success. Getting fast feedback will be key in getting closer to results..


Help Us Build The Stacks

We share your passion for learning and growth. If you have any other resources that you believe are share-worthy, let us know!